You Don’t Need A Treasure Map to Uncover the Hidden Talents of your LMS

Have you ever thought of your LMS as a hidden treasure just waiting to be found? While gone are the days of the treasure maps and hidden treasures, you may be in the presence of a “real find” in your LMS if only you would unlock the true potential in your LMS!

It’s no secret that no matter the brand or version, the most basic functions of an LMS can provide an organization amazing capabilities when viewed with fresh eyes. In the last 10 years, the LMS space has grown beyond what was predicted and solution providers have consistently increased both features and functionality. The hidden truth, sadly enough, is that most learning functions only use a small portion of the real capabilities of a today’s learning management systems and the real hidden functions of the LMS are yet to be discovered.  But we’ve found a few that have truly uncovered the real talents in their LMS.

Join Stacey Harris, VP of Research for Brandon Hall Group, and Jay Shaw, CEO of NetDimensions on Thursday, February 23 at 1 pm EST as they share unique and surprising ways they have seen organizations leverage their LMS to add greater business value, managing the full learning ecosystem and beyond.

Key take-aways include:

  • Definition of the learning ecosystem, going beyond traditional learning models
  • Key practices in uncovering the opportunities for your LMS
  • Illustrations of real life examples from organizations that flex their LMS capabilities to
    – Reduce costs
    – Increase productivity
    – Manage risks
    – Improve customer satisfaction
    – Enhance collaboration
    – Foster change

This “secret” webinar, Uncovering the Hidden Talents of your LMS: Managing the Learning Ecosystem and Beyond which will unlock the way that you think of your LMS will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 1 pm EST. Register today!

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Lorie Watson



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